Five Star Kids Pre-K

Now Enrolling for 2024/2025 School Year!

A Certified Purple Star School


The Five Star Kids Pre-K, at the Armed Services YMCA Hampton Roads, is a fully accredited program that offers “full day” and “academic day” classes. Each child’s growth will be monitored through observations, portfolio documentation, developmental checklists, and the use of assessment data to ensure all students are meeting important learning milestones. Children will be prepared for a successful transition to kindergarten while they become independent, enthusiastic, and self-confident learners.


Military Family Guide To School Transitions

Moving to a new duty station can spark anxiety in military families over the quality of schools in and around a military installation. Click here for a guide compiled by military spouses with decades of experience in an effort to help simplify that process.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Armed Services YMCA offers affordable, accessible, high-quality child care services and preschool programs for military children. Our trained, dedicated, and caring staff prepare children for future success by teaching social skills, creativity, literacy, and fine and gross motor skills.

Affordable child care can increase a military family’s financial security and well-being, allowing service members to stay focused on their mission, and providing spouses and partners the opportunity to work and pursue education. With military spouse unemployment rates averaging six times that of the national average, accessible child care is vital to military family readiness and resilience.

Children enrolled in a high-quality Child Development program:

  • receive quality early education that fosters cognitive and socioemotional growth;
  • build the cognitive and character skills that children need to do well in school and in life, including attentiveness, persistence, impulse control, and social-emotional skills
  • build foundations for long-term success in life;
  • are more likely to earn higher wages, live healthier lives, and raise stronger families.

To reserve placement in our Five Star Kids Pre-K, You will need to complete the steps listed below. Supporting documents, forms, and online portal links are listed in the Enrollment Resources section below.

  • Complete your application by downloading the PDF form located in the Enrollment Resources section.
  • Using the links in the Enrollment Resources section, review and apply for Tuition Assistance through the appropriate tuition subsidy.
  • After we have received your application for placement, an ASYMCA Hampton Roads staff member will contact you to schedule an appointment to tour and determine if we are a good fit for your family. You will need to bring the following documents to this appointment:
    • A current doctor signed physical, dated within the last year
    • A copy of your child’s immunization record
    • Child’s Original Birth Certificate
    • Valid photo ID for parent or guardian
    • Current LES for active-duty military members to verify rank for tuition rates
    • Medication Form for prescription and non-prescription medications
    • Current Allergy/Asthma Action Plan (completed by a doctor), if applicable.
    • You will complete a CACFP form during your scheduled appointment.
  • Academic Day (8:20 a.m.-2:50 p.m.): $195/week
  • Full Day Care (6:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.): * $270/ week

*Mixed Delivery Recipients receive full-day annual care.

**We work with several subsidies to help reduce the cost of tuition. See links below

-Child must turn 4 by December 31, 2024

-Fully Potty-Trained

Enrollment Resources


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Enrollment Application Form

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Visit Child Care Aware


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Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities For Military Children

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Special Education Services

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Mixed Delivery Tuition Assistance

The Five Star Kids Pre-K at the ASYMCA is 1 of only a few selected schools selected to receive the Hampton Roads Mixed-Delivery grant! This program is sponsored by Virginia Early Childhood Foundation and EVMS Minus 9 to 5.

Acceptance into the program is not on a first-come, first-served basis, and a limited number of Pre-Kindergarten spots are available. To be eligible for a full Mixed Delivery Scholarship, children must be 4 years old on or before Dec. 31 of the school year for which you are applying and live in the southeast portion of Virginia.

In addition, eligible students are selected based on the following eligibility criteria and identified risk factors: including: having low family income (based on Federal Poverty Guidelines), having a parent who did not complete high school; lacking fixed, regular or adequate housing (homelessness); and/or Active-Duty military.

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